Saturday, February 16, 2008

10 Random Things About Me

So, i've been my friend Delane's blog, and I am supposed to list 10 random facts about myself. Here they are in no particular order:

1. I have to make my bed up every morning before I leave the house, if not it drives me nuts all day.

2. In the 4th grade I won 1st place in a rapping contest for a rap that I wrote about "Hugs Not Drugs."

3. I could watch reruns of Friends all day and never get tired of it - no matter how many times i've seen them.

4. I am working on writing my first book.

5. I don't drink alcohol, but I like to drink cherry coke or tea out of wine glasses because I think they're pretty.

6. I have a New Kids On The Block Super Hits cd....autographed by Jordan Knight. No, i'm not kidding.

7. I have a weakness for purses and jewelry...i'm an accessory girl!

8. I live 3 miles from the hospital that I was born at.

9. I love to fly (but i rarely get to do it) and I love people watching at the airport.

10. I love planning surprises for my friends or loved ones.

Now I get to tag some friends! If I tag you, then you must post a blog like this with 10 facts about you on your own blog then let me know! I tag Shae, Tiffany, Jerry, Allison and Jessica. Have fun!



Jerry said...


jnt. said...

i did mine!!!

vedderisbetter said...

1. is this a disorder?
2. well lets hear those skillz.
3. Friends is like crack for white girls.
4. Impressive. I love pop-ups.
5. Let's not drink together.
6. Jordan was my favorite.
7. that's real weak.
8. this sentence ends in a preposition. author my butt!
9. ME TOO! on both accounts.
10. ummm where's my surprise?

Jamie said...

Hi Jamie!
I came across your blog through mutual friends...not sure if you remember me from my Buckhead Church/Fusion days. :) I really enjoy your blog!