Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Top 10

I can't believe that Christmas is already almost here! The fun and the festivities have flown by in a's been so exhausting, but I love it! In Letterman fashion, I thought I would list my top 10 reasons I enjoyed the holiday season this year:

10. It IS possible to start listening to Christmas music after Halloween and not get sick of it.
9. Getting up at 3am to go shopping with my sisters and cousin the day after Thanksgiving is the MOST fun a girl can have while running on no sleep and caffeine.
8. Elf is just as funny the 7th time watching it in one month as the first time.
7. One can never eat too many Christmas cookies.
6. Picking out a real tree in the freezing cold with friends is always fun. (even if I do cut off tooooo much rope, Leah. haha)
5. It is actually possible to attend 14 Christmas parties in one month and still go to work occasionally. ;)
4. Classic Christmas movie night every Sunday = fun childhood reminiscing. ('ll shoot your eye out!)
3. Staying up all hours of the night with my high school girls and eating cake an waffles for breakfast. Enough said.
2. Spending priceless time with family and friends always warms my heart.
1. Remembering the REAL reason we celebrate the season in the first place.

Merry Christmas friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That dude's shirt at the bottom is mesmerizing. Merry Christmas!