Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Don't touch my stapler...

I, like Milton, often tell people in the office "dont touch my stapler," but with good might get your finger involuntarily stapled off! You see, I have this electric stapler that sits on my desk right next to my computer. A week or two ago I noticed that every couple of hours I would hear a slight buzzing sound, and then stapler would automatically just staple (absolutely nothing), all by itself. (One time it went off with my hand dangerously close to it...I almost jumped out of my chair!) I determined that either my stapler was demon posessed, or it was the curse of Milton.

Today I figured out why it really goes nuts...

Since ive been working here, I always sit my cell phone in the same spot on my desk - next to the electric stapler. Apparently if you sit it too close though, the phone has the capability to transmit through the stapler! (kind of like when you put your phone too close to the tv, and you hear a chirping sound before it actually rings) I kid you not, as I am typing this blog, I hear it chirping again...creepy.

Which leads me to my next thought....if a cell phone has the power to make an electric stapler work all by itself, what the heck is it really doing to our brains when we hold it to our heads? Yikes!

And the moral of the story? Handsfree is a good thing....mmmmkay?

1 comment:

AllisonGail said...

I've got a vicious tape dispenser at my desk!