Thursday, February 23, 2006

Head West young, I mean East

The times, they are a changin'! Yes that's right folks, im packing up and heading Dunwoody (ha, ha), otherwise currently known as 'Fusion Social Central.' I will be gracing the ever-popular "CG" (as it is affectionately known) with my presence in just three short weeks. I think today the overwhelming feeling of how much stuff I need to accomplish before then actually hit me. For the past 4 months I have been shopping for a new place closer to work and church, but to no avail. Then randomly in the last two weeks, God just kind of lined everything up perfectly for me to move. I was even able to get out of the new year lease I just signed, without having to pay anything extra! (talk about divine intervention) It turns out that I wound up with a larger apartment, 5 minutes from work, cheaper than what im paying now, and right smack dab in the middle of all my best about perfection!

I know it sounds weird, but even a move so small (it's about 15 minutes east of my current home) is a big deal to me. My current place is literally only the 4th place ive ever lived my entire life. I'm just not one who bounces all over the place, and I never lived in dorms, so "home" has always been one of those steady constants. But i'm incredibly excited about the new place, and having friends so close. I stay so busy now that I literally dont know a single person that lives in my complex, and ive been there a year! And for a social butterfly such as myself, that is rare - I thoroughly enjoy meeting new people and making new friendships!

So anyways, (are you keeping up here? I know my brain tends to wander to random topics...hence the title of my blog) I dont know if its the fact that my boss is out today, or maybe that ive just been so incredibly busy this week that my brain is on overload, but I have been a total slacker all day. I've spent a majority of my time making lists of what I need to do for the move, accounts I need to update, things I need to get, etc. (yes its the OCD in me) and trying to decipher how much packing im going to be able to cram in this weekend in between parties, haha. Do you ever have just so much on your mind, and so much to do that you kind of go kaput and dont get any of it done? You dont know which way is up, and where exactly to start. That's kind of how I feel right now. So ive chocked up today basically to a total loss of productivity for the things at work I need to get going to have to hit the ground running in the morning to catch up for my brief moment of uncharacteristic slackness! (is that even a word?) Oh well, ill lather rince and repeat (much more effectively) in the morning. As Scarlett says, afterall, tomorrow is another day... ;o)

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