Thursday, June 08, 2006

Keep makes people wonder what you're up to

Don't you just love it when your day gets off to a great start? It makes everything just that much better...

Today is a good day. I woke up on time (a rarity), and even had time to fix a cup of coffee on the way out. I hopped in the car, put the top down, and hit 11 of 13 lights green to make it to the office in record time (which also never happens). I settle in at my cube with my cup of coffee, and was elated to find out that my newest toy, my iTrip, will actually work on my little dinky radio that sits on my desk. Oh yes, I am quite content for the rest of the day knowing that my entire music collection is now at my fingertips all day music can sometimes be my saving grace on stressful days - it calms me down, or revs me up when needed!

It doesn't even matter that some irate customer found his way to my phone line this morning and complained to me not once, not twice, but on THREE separate calls! For the record, I cannot activate/fix/repair/replace your phone...I just work in Human Resources for crying out loud people! haha. But it's ok - Mr. Groucho still didn't kill the happiness buzz that I have today.

Besides, his grumpiness was cancelled out when I went home for lunch and met Nate the Mailman, who was incredibly pleasant and overwhelmingly friendly. He took the time to learn my name so that he could put a face with the mail he was delivering, and apologized for only having junk mail to give me today. I told him I would rather get junk mail than more bills, but if he wanted to bring me a big fat check for a million dollars, or Mr. Right wrapped up in a nice little package, I would gladly accept them as well! He said he'd see what he can do. ;o)

Back at the office, my boss has left early for a weekend getaway, so I have a little bit of peace to catch up on the things I need to accomplish before I head out early tomorrow. I'm so excited, to only have to work 1/2 day tomorrow first of all, but also because im spending the whole weekend with my parents, sisters, brother-in-law and adorable nephew down in Hilton Head! It has been eeons since we've all been able to get away together, and im looking forward to the relaxation time just hanging with the family and enjoying their company. I'm driving down by myself, but im all set - I'll put the top down, my hat on, crank up Iggy (the iPod) and take some time to just breathe, soak in the solace of isolation, talk to God and maybe practice belting out a tune or two where noone can hear me mess up as I learn a new song. :)

Tonight...even better, dinner to celebrate a friend's birthday - sure to be filled with good food, conversation, and great fellowship! What a perfect end to a perfect day!

"Be happy, it's one way of being wise." -Colette

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