Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Help Send Me To South Africa!!

Dear Friends & Family,

 I am overjoyed to tell you that I am about to embark on another amazing adventure for God’s kingdom! In just 10 days, I will be heading back to Cape Town, South Africa on a mission trip with North Point Ministries to work with our partner church, Southpoint Church!
 Many of you know that I had the honor of getting to take a team of our high school students to Cape Town 2 years ago, and I am SO thrilled to be able to go back and continue to build on relationships that were formed then, as well as continue to serve the amazing people of South Africa. We will be helping put on a retreat for Southpoint Church’s small group leaders – giving them time to replenish and get away from the everyday life to connect on a deeper level with our Heavenly Father. I’m so excited!!
 In order for this to happen…I need your help!!
First and foremost, I would greatly appreciate your PRAYER with and for our team as we prepare for the mission at hand.  Please pray that God will not only work in our own hearts as we step out of our comfort zones to serve Him, but also that He would work through us to be His hands and feet to those in need.


 Second, I STILL NEED TO MEET MY FINANCIAL GOAL of $2100 to be able to go on the trip. I know that times are tight on everyone right now, but if you feel able and willing to partner with me, please pray about donating. 
Please know that your support in prayer is just as important to me as financial support!

If you would like to be a part of our trip through financial support, simply send a check made out to “NPCC” (PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN THE MEMO LINE) to me at PO Box 19045 Atlanta, GA 31126. All donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

OR. . .you can GIVE ONLINE
Simply go to www.GOglobalX.org and click on GIVE at the top right side of the page. Fill in your contact info & under the globalX Trip information, select the following:
Country: “X Trip (admin use)”
Trip: “X Trip (admin use) South Africa Group Leader’s Retreat- 04/24/11-05/02/11
In the individual field, please be sure to type my name, Jamie Waddy.
Fill in your credit card information (MC & Visa), click on “Review Donation Information” and finalize the transaction.  You will receive an email confirmation that will also serve as your receipt for tax purposes. 

Thank you again for considering partnering with us…it means the world to me to know that while we are serving God’s people in another land, we will be covered in prayer & support at home!

Track with us on our journey here on my blog as we get ready to head over on April 22nd!


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