Sunday, August 09, 2009

Talkin' bout my generation...

In a time where philanthropy is the new black, are we still just a generation looking for another great resume builder?

As we worshipped in church this morning, we sang a song that I know by we sing all the time. But today, God totally used the words of this song to break my heart for my generation in a way He never has before, and He gave me a whole new awareness of the magnitude of how culture can affect our faith. As I began to sing these lyrics:

I see a generation, rising up to take their place
with selfless faith,
with selfless faith...

I couldn't help but think, that's so not true. As a whole, we are completely a selfish generation.

If you think about it, us "Generation X'ers" have been raised in the most self-gratifying culture ever.  Everything you could ever want, you can have it personalized, customized and instantly at your fingertips...

You can have a car made in the factory with your exact specifications.
You can custom build a home to fit your family's personal style & needs.
Anything you could think of can be monogrammed or branded with your name on it.
Heck, even Burger King does it "your way, right away"

With just about every company and/or product you can think of vying for our attention with their ability to personally tailor to our every wish, it's no surprise that this line of thinking would carry over into our faith. Often times I think we put expectations on God to fulfill our every desire, just because He can...and just because that's the way we want it. And i've seen it happen over and over where people try to pick and choose only those parts of the bible they want to believe that don't interfere with their current actions or if God were our own personal vending machine.

I'll be the first to admit...if I look back on my journey with God, I would have to say so far, most of the times in my life when i've sought after God the hardest or put the most trust in Him were not in situations when I was focusing on someone was mainly when I was struggling with something, or when I needed something from Him.  This reminded me of a quote that I always keep nearby:

"Do I chase the blessings of God more than the presence? I don't want God to simply be a new vehicle for the things I want. I want God to be what I want."

I know that I don't want to be the kind of person who only goes to God for what I want...nor do I want to be the kind of person that only focuses on me, me, can I grow, what can I achieve. And I don't want to be part of a generation that is known for that either. So what do we do? How do we break the cycle? 

I'm not going to lie...the weight of this overwhelms me. But Ghandi says that we should "be the change we want to see in the world." So for today, i'll start with me. 

Break my heart for what breaks yours

Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause



AnnieBlogs said...

HUGE post. Know what I mean? Just a HUGE thought. Beautiful.

gabyyy said...

AnnieBlogs up there sent me here from Twitter. (actually she said it was her favorite post for monday, so i wanted to read too. :))
She's right. This is beautiful. I feel this weight one mee as i go on about my day...since a post i read yesterday.. and i feel so small.. like i just wanna give up.
thank you for your encouraging words.

Unknown said...

Hi. I just found your site through Annie. I love what you said - so true.

Two quick things...I LOVE your blog design...did someone do it for you. I love greeen and pink and's very cute.

Also, if you are at Buckhead North, I used to go to the same church as Dave Lewis in Little Rock, AR. My sister was so sad when he left because she wondered who would perform her wedding one day. Small world!

Eric Ryan Jones said...

Dang girl... you do realize it's Monday and you should not be so awesome on Monday. Especially being all inspiring , convicting and motivating at the same time.


This post blessed me today big time and i hope it continues to stir you up. A great friend of mine once asked me "Eric are you comfortable being uncomfortable"....sounds like you're ready to get uncomfortable!

Anonymous said...

SUCH good stuff girl. Wow. Great thoughts - convicting. Thanks for sharing and challenging me.

Jamie said...

Thanks for all the kind words peeps...makes me feel like i'm not alone in this!

Darla...I got the layout for my blog from this website:
they have a TON of free backgrounds that are adorable! And we do work with Dave Lewis...he works at our Alpharetta campus about 20 miles north of where I am. Great incredibly wise! What a small world!

Courtney said...

This post was really inspiring. Thanks!

McClure ELA 8 said...

I ran across your blog today- and this stopped me in my tracks. I've had this thought before, but never spent enough time to process. Thanks for the "pause".