God, we will go
You're the answer
We want the world to know
We will trust You
When You call our name
Where You lead us
We'll follow all the way..."
-Chris Tomlin
It's so crazy to think that this time last year, I was returning from my first planning trip to Australia for Passion Sydney. I would have never guessed that a year later I would be preparing for a journey to South Africa...but I am so thankful for the Lord's hand on my path - He has a far better plan than I could have ever dreamed for myself! I am so excited to be able to take a group of our high school students with us to invest in and learn from the South Africa students of our partner church in Cape Town!
As i'm trying to prepare my heart for the task we have at hand, i'm reminded just how many distractions there are here that are competing for my time and attention: work, friends, family, social life, etc. It's so hard to "un-plug" from life when life stops for no one. But trips like these are great reminders that sometimes we just need to pause, detach ourselves from all of the media outlets that keep our minds on mental schizophrenia, and remember that we don't need a thriving relationship with Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/Google/iPhone...we need a relationship with our heavenly father and with His people..whether they be next door, or 10,000 miles away.
I hope that you'll track with us as we go on this adventure of a lifetime. I'll try to blog from here as much as possible, but we'll mostly be blogging from our team page: http://capetownhighschooltrip.blogspot.com/.
We would love your prayers for a safe, successful and life changing experience!
Our team:
"Look at the nations and watch- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." Habakkuk 1:5
How awesome is the Lord most high!!
you guys are going to do GREAT work with our kids! even though i'm so excited that you are coming here and i'll be seeing you in a few days, i know you have more important work to do while you are here!!
sterkte en ek bid vir 'n veilige reis :)
Aww, thanks Shannelle! But, umm...you're gonna need to translate that last line, I have no idea what it says! haha :)
sterkte en ek bid vir 'n veilige reis - good luck and i pray for a safe journey
you're going to have to learn some afrikaans while you are here
dankie - thank you (pronounced donkey but with an 'U' sound, dunkey)
an easy one you will use a lot ;)
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