Monday, December 17, 2007

Worth: Songs of Hope

Since 7|22 isn't meeting tomorrow night, what do you have planned? Nothing you say? Well you do now!!

Come join us at Andrews Upstairs tomorrow night at 7pm to hear great Christmas music for a worthy cause. The Romania mission trip team from Buckhead Church came together and made a CD of 10 original Christmas songs as a means of response for how God broke their hearts for the people of Romania. Here's a little exerpt from their invite:

"Our GlobalX team recently returned home completely wrecked from our experience there...not quite sure what God wanted us to do with what we saw, what we felt, and what we did. God has broken us for the loss of life in Romania, and so we respond. We respond by singing songs of life. Songs of children. Songs of praise. Songs of celebration. Songs of worth. Songs of hope.

And we want to invite you on journey with us into one of the most special moments of our time in Romania. It was the day we spent at Estera (Esther - for such a time is this)...a crisis pregnancy center founded by Rodica, the wife of the pastor we partner with in Romania. It was a day that we will never forget. We are changed forever. What we will share is an amazing story of God's story - the worth and value he places on every single life. Every Life."

The cost is $20 at the door, and it includes a free CD...with all proceeds directly benefitting the Estera Foundation in Timisoara, Romania. So come on out and join us for some holiday cheer and help those in need.

Click here for more info - Worth: Songs of Hope

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