Monday, May 01, 2006

I Love Random Road Trips!

So we're back, and in one piece...and oh what fun we had! There's something to be said for random road trips, I LOVE them! We packed a bag, threw in our favorite cds, a camera and our favorite snacks (not to mention a ton of caffeine), and made it to Indiana just before 1am. I dont think ive laughed that hard in quite a while - in fact, a few times I almost ran off the road. Here's an example of some of the dialogue that went down on the way up there... this was after stopping off in a gas station/Buddy's BBQ (yeah, odd combination, I know but the one next door was a gas station/Taco Bell/Dairy about weird!)

Casie: "We have to get going, we just wasted 20 minutes in that gas station!"
(doing what you ask? I have no idea...)
Jamie: "That's ok, ill make up for it with my lead foot"
(after about a 3 minute pause)
Casie: "Wait, I thought it was your right foot...?"

Ok Jessica Simpson...I said LEAD foot, not LEFT!!! haha. We had six hours of conversation like this, but by far my favorite was this dialogue after we got stuck behind a big slow 18-Wheeler that had the words "England" printed on the back of it...

Jamie: "That truck is so slow, I wish it would just go back to England, haha"
Casie: "Can it really drive all the way there, or is there water that separates us?"
Jamie: "Please tell me you're joking!"
Casie: "Oh you know I dont know geometry!"
Jamie: "Uh...Cas, I think you mean GEOGRAPHY..."

Yeah, that would be about the time I had to snatch the car off the shoulder and back on the road because I was laughing so hard! The rest of the time was filled with great conversation, and of course belting out a few of our favorite songs at the top of our lungs like we were rockstars (and yes we did this with the top down, so my apologies to those innocent bystanders who had to subject their ears to the debauchery we called "entertainment" haha)

On to the tiny town of Vevay (pronounced vee vee), population...about 3,000. To put it in perspective, I realized that the size of her town is about the size of the 7/22 crowd on a given Tuesday...HELLOOOO Mayberry! And it was everything you could imagine a cozy small town would be - one stoplight in the middle of town (no, im not kidding), two gas stations that closed before midnight, and Moe's steakhouse - the local hangout (and one of the only places to eat), where everyone dined and where we were welcomed with a warm smile....[cue Cheers theme song]. If you ever needed to find the policemen or EMTs in an emergency, you can bet they'll be eating dinner down at Moe's on just about any given night.

Ah yes, there is something to be said about small town charm - everyone knows everyone, and nobody locks their doors. And on Sunday morning, we all headed down to the Baptist Church. It was family Sunday - Casie, her sister and I even got up and sang a song for the congregation - a last minute decision by Casie which was pre-empted by an hour or so of practicing with "mics" (aka. hairbrushes) in her room late at night (see dorky picture). But it didnt matter that we weren't on the program, the preacher glady worked us in and we had a blast! After saying our goodbyes, it was already time to get back on the road again...

The trip home was just as much fun as the one up, but much more caffeine was involved. Who would have thought we could be so tired after visiting a sleepy little town? We donned our pj's and hit the road, making a 1-hour pit stop at an outlet mall, and of course what road trip would be complete without some gas station hot dogs? I think we consumed more junk in the car than all our weekend meals combined..yum! About 900 miles on my car later, we made it home sweet home...back to the land of sweet tea, hey y'alls, traffic jams and 1,000 Peachtree Streets. It's always fun to visit new places, but there's nothing like good 'ole A-Town! (and I think we even convinced Casie's mom to come see it for herself!) Monday morning, back to the grind, but our next road trip is already in the works....all I have to say is the next city better beware, here comes trouble!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are very good at "the writing". I enjoy your blogs almost as much as I enjoy reading Don... yeah, thats a huge complement.